Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Pet Check Up

Our fur babies check up is coming up son.  Their veterinarian  sends us  reminders whenever it's time for shots.  I like their card reminders too, they are so cute that I put them in our dog records lol.


mhie said...

That's one thing I like here, they would remind us about our appointment/check up so we would not miss it.

James, Davis, and Associates Test said...

Those cards are cute reminders to take your furry friends in for a check up.

FX777222999 said...

Really nice to send a card for a reminder. That's good business system.

Mel Cole said...

Aww what cute appointment cards :) I wish we could have a pet dog someday.

Franc Ramon said...

The vet really knows how to take care of his patients and their owners.