Sunday, August 4, 2013

Humming Birds

I have been  patiently waiting for the humming bird that visits  our garden but I have no luck in capturing a photo of him.  They are very fast.  However, I captured some decent ones when we were visiting my  Father-in-Law, he has a  humming bird's feeder at his  back porch.  I sat  in the swing and waited for them and  I got lucky.

I did not have  the camera with me so I used my cellphone in taking these shots.


Jeannie Marie said...

Lovely shots! I have put one up but haven't seen a hummingbird yet. I really enjoyed your dad's visitor!

Rebecca said...

so pretty

Nicole A. said...

I want to put a hummingbird feeder in our front yard.

Taty said...

great images!

Trendy Cyndie said...

Great action shot of humming bird

jheylo said...

Love that photo. It's hard to take pictures of humming bird but you got it perfectly.

Melinda Dunne said...

I love hummingbirds it is difficult to get them on camera but you did. Great shots!

Anonymous said...

I was hoping you would get photos, those are great. Thank you for sharing.

MikiHope said...

Great shots! It is not easy cating a picture of a hummingbird--those little wings flutter at a mile a minute if not faster it seems.

Nova said...

the photo turns out to be great, now you have one scene where hummingbirds were eating.

Mel Cole said...

Wow! you took the photos with your cellphone is amazing! Hummingbirds fly fast and hard to take pics with. I love this!

Nova said...

I always wanted to see hummingbirds in our backyard, this year i don't see them that often. I guess i should start buying bird seeds then to lure them in the yard.

marie said...

Perfect shot mommy I like hummingbirds I seen here in our nieghboor they have it.

Peachy @ The Peach Kitchen said...

Nice clicks, mommy Rose!

riz said...

Now, this gives me an idea. Hope I can find one in the home depot. There's just so many birds (maya?) resting on our awning.