Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Praying Mantis : George

When we were at  our old house, there was a  huge praying mantis that always  visit our garden every summer.  The kids called him George.  When we moved here to our new home,  they saw a praying mantis again and they thought  it was George and he followed us here.  Kind of funny but there are certain things that would always reminds us of our first home.  
Our son is still  bummed out that we sold our first home, he  is more attached than his sister was  to our first home.  He felt the same way when we moved   out from our temporary house in South Korea.  He was very fond of the "Blue House" where we lived for almost two years  during my  husband's  last tour in the Navy.  
Anyway, since George used to love hanging out on the mums  in our garden, I picked him up and put him on my new mum plants.
He seemed to enjoy it.  I am not sure if there is something on the mums that they like but they seem to stay there  for a long time.
So here's George number two.
I hope that we see him again this summer, it would be nice.

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