Friday, September 25, 2015

Guinea Pig

After our bunny died, I told the kids that I don't want anymore pets other our two dogs . When Rylie's birthday came, she asked if she can have a guinea pig. I meanhow can you say no for a birthday wish?    So we got her one and we named him Dunkin. Dunkin was very aloof when we first got him.  I think that  he got used to being left alone at the pet store. 
I did not know it butaccording to Wikipedia, the guinea pigis  also called the cavy.  It  is a species of rodent belonging to the family Caviidae and the genus Cavia. Despite their common name, these animals are not in the pig family, nor are they from Guinea.
 The way they ake noises though reminds me of pigs. They are actually very cute and very social as long as you let the know that you care for them.
 Now that he is used to us. He does not run away anymore when we are around.  He  did not like any fresh  fooood when we first got him but I am starting tp introduce him to  fresh vegggies. For now, he likes lettuce and dandelion leaves.
 They can be stinky so a bath is neccesary.  He did not like t a first ut now he is used to it.
 My daughter salso lettting hm swim in the ath tub. I have yet to film that, it's so cute.
 My kids get him out of the cage  every time they come ome from school.  
Dunkin is a nice pet!


Nova said...

wow..your pet is indeed so big,

Elizabeth O. said...

What a cutie! I've never had a pet guinea pig before.

papaleng said...

Galing mag-timing ng daughter mo. ha,ha,ha.. Just bear na lang sa smell ng Guinea pig. Maiksi lang ang life span nyan.

JOJO VITO said...

I'd been wanting to have this as a pet...still doing some research on how to take care of this animal :)