Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Bunny is House-Trained

During winter season, we   bring our bunny inside the house.  Somebody suggested that bunnies can be house-trained so we gave it a try.  We bought  a litter, put it in an empty cardboard box and we showed him where to go when he needs to  do his business.  After  a couple of days of doing that, he learned   it and now he is fully house-trained.  

He still go in his cage though during night time  to sleep because we don't him running around the house while we sleep.  Anyhow, I gave him a bath  last week which he did not mind at first. Drying his fur bothered him, he spent  the whole day trying to  fluff them back up.  I also helped him by blowing the  hair dryer but the sound  bothered him.
Having a bunny is great.  They are easy to take care of.  The kids love to play with him.  They even  include them when they are studying.
It's been 4 years since we have Wubzy.  We got him at a Tractor supply that sells bunnies.  A year after that, we got him a girlfriend, Matilda.  She died  a year after that.  It's weird to note that when Matilda died, Wubzy's grief was so intense that he tried to attack us  a couple of times.  He did not have anything to do with us for a couple of days but then he came around and we made  up.  I know that dogs grieves when somebody in the family dies but I did not know that rabbits  do that as well.  Here is a short  video that my daughter recorded when he was eating  cereal, he begs us for cereal every time we are in the kitchen.


Dhemz said...

wow, that long already! We would love to have a bunny at home...kaso ayaw ni Greg to get another!

Nova said...

one of the thing that we consider if we decided to have a pet is a bunny, not only that they are so adorable and now they can be trained. they just all fluffy.

papaleng said...

Oh, so cute a Bunnie you have. House-training rabbits seems a hard thing to do. But, you done it well.

Mhie Lee said...

I'm not sure if I like having a bunny in my house. I don't know that you can give a bath for bunny, good to know.

Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle said...

BUNNY! Bunnies are so cute. I want one in the worst way, but my kids are deathly allergic to them. =(

Terri Ramsey Beavers said...

I love your bunny, we had one but he passed away. I didn't know that they could be litter trained though so I'll try that with our next one. I'd love to be able to keep it indoors for the grandkids.

LaShawn Wiltz said...

We were considering getting my son a bunny as his first pet, but decided to go for a fish instead!